#blessed, the first show of our second season is entering its final week at the Evergreen Theatre. We have a show at 8pm on Saturday, November 1st and a 2 o'clock matinee on Sunday, November 2nd.
It's time for our last interview!
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Davis Fancher - Miss Loyal |
My name is Davis Fancher, and I play Miss Loyal.
Where are you from ? What do you consider to be your hometown?
Well, I was born in Virginia. I moved around a lot when I was a kid, but I've spent the majority of my life in Memphis, so I consider Memphis to be my hometown.
What first drew you to acting?
Well, I guess you could say it was my brother. He's five years older than I am, and he got into acting when he was in high school, and I would go see his shows. My family always loved watching movies and seeing shows together, so I grew up knowing a lot of actor's names, because that's what my family did. So I saw my brother doing things on stage at his high school, and I just loved it. I thought it looked like so much fun, so when I got into high school, I did the same thing.
When I got to college, I didn't really intend to major in it because I was terrified [laughs], but when I got about half-way through my second semester, I realized it was what I wanted to do... so why not?
Where did you receive your training?
I received my training at the University of Memphis. I got my B.F.A. in theatre performance.
Who were your mentors? Who do you admire and look up to, either on-stage or in all aspects of your life?
I kind of want to say every faculty member at the University of Memphis, but I want to say that Jo Lenhart, specifically, has been really inspiring to me and is a wonderful person, and has really helped me a lot in my journey, as you would say. Besides that, honestly, everyone in Memphis who is doing theatre is someone I look up to. Every single person in Memphis who is doing theatre is just an inspiration.
What's your favorite part of the theatrical process?
I'd have to say that my favorite part is once everyone has kind of got their lines and we get into the smoothing process. It's the part for me where most things get discovered. Everyone's get their lines and we're running through, making discoveries and we no longer have the book in our hands, that's my favorite part. I feel like when that happens that there are these magical few rehearsals that occur where everything isn't set in stone yet, but you're able to think outside of "what's my next line?'
What's your least favorite part?
I want to say auditions... I can't think of anything else... It's auditions [laughs].
What are some of your favorite past roles?
Most recently I was in As You Like It at Theatre Memphis, directed by Jo Lenhart. It was just a lovely production of a lovely show. It was one of those productions where you just loved everybody. It was just a really wonderful process. Besides that, I would say that my favorite show was Eurydice at the UofM. Leslie Barker directed that, and when I think of favorite shows it always comes out first in my mind. It as a very wonderful process, and I can't say enough good things about being in that show. I think that show, more than anything solidified my desire to be a theatre major. There was just a lot of love in that show.
How would you define your style. What do you like to focus on as you prepare a character?
I tend to focus in on the words. I like to try and put myself into the character's shoes as much as possible. I really like to get into the text and mentally draw my character from the words on the page. I'm very in my head about it.
When you're not working with Threepenny Theatre, how do you spend your time?
I work and I play video games and I read and I hang out with close friends. Though, unfortunately, the main answer is just work [laughs].
How do you like the Threepenny process?
Oh, I love the Threepenny process. It's wonderful. I think it's so interesting, because this is the first time I've worked with company that has this kind of attitude, especially when Matt said "We can't pay you, but we will offer you things that no other company in town offers in terms of in-rehearsal actor training and physical training." It's really just amazing, because I feel like that even though I have a fairly small part in the show, that I'm still involved in the creative process, and I feel like I'm still learning so much. And also with the whole Set-Your-Own-Admission idea, I think that's really new for Memphis, and I think that is really good and really needed.
The "Big" Question: why do you continue to do what you do onstage, and once you are all said and done, what would you like to have accomplished with your art, not just in this show, but in your life?
I do it because I want to. I know that sounds really simple, but that's what it is. It's something that I like to do and it's something I want to do, and it's something I've luckily been given the opportunity to do, so I do it, because why not?
In terms of what I want to accomplish in my life, I feel that acting gives you insights into different ways of thinking, different viewpoints and different ways of living, so I hope to come out of each performance with a different viewpoint on things, and in terms of my art, I hope to better be able to understand the world, which is very confusing at times. To better understand the world and the human condition, I kind of just want to know things, you know? I think acting helps with that. It gives me a chance to see things.
Anyone you'd like to send some love out to? Shout outs?
My family because they have always supported me, even when I didn't know how to support myself. My family, my friends, my fiancee: those are the big three. Triple F [laughs].
Always be closing. Any final words to people about #blessed?
#blessed is a blast and everyone should come see it.
And to wrap up, some quick-fire "Inside the Actor's Studio" questions!
What is your favorite word? crisp
What is your least favorite word? gangular
What turns you on: creatively, spiritually or emotionally? humor and laughing
What turns you off? hatefulness
What's one thing you love about Memphis? That no matter where I go, Memphis is part of me
What sound or noise do you love? kittens and puppies being cute
What sound or noise do you hate? shouting
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? piano technician
What profession would you not like to do? plumber.
Finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
"Not too shabby."
Thank you, Davis!
And thank you all for checking out these interviews! We have our final two shows coming up this Saturday and Sunday. We hope to see you all there. Thank you for supporting Threepenny Theatre Company.
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